Protecting Your Energy

Protecting your energy & why it’s important 

Protecting one’s energy is the conscious choice to keep your vibratrions clear from other energetic influences that do aren’t in alignment with you. We absorb energy from people, places, objects and more. Maintaining a cleansed energetic field is essential ffor feeling and being our best selves. 


Way to protect your energy:

Becoming more aware of how you spend your time; the different environments you’re in, who and even what you're around. Setting boundaries around how you commission your energy will help filter out what’s benefiting you or draining you. Think about how you feel after certain interactions. What/Who do you engage with daily? Where do you spend the most time? 


Sage, Palo Santo, Frankincense and Dragons Blood are common ways to smoke cleanse the energy around us, within a space, and from others.



Black Tourmaline - It protects against electromagnetic energy and negative energies of all kinds. 

Smoky Quartz - Absorbs, detoxifies & dispels negative and electromagnetic energies while blocking geopathic stress.

Black Obsidian - A highly protective stone that shields against negative energy. It removes negative spiritual influences.

Hematite - Super effective with grounding and protection, this stone balances the meridians in the body and harmonizes the mind, body and spirit. 

Tigers Eye - A protective stone that grounds energies of the earth and sun to create a high vibrational state. It enhances integrity and strengthens discernment.

Amethyst - A protective stone with a high vibration, it transmutes lower frequencies into higher frequencies while enhancing a higher state of consciousness. 

Clear Quartz - Absorbs, releases and regulates energy, this stone amplifies positive vibrations and intentions.